About Us
Our goal is to make sure your donations go to charitable causes in Israel, without losing anything along the way.
Our reason for being is the promotion and advancement of the people of Israel in the land of their ancestors.
"What you give is what they get"
was the founding principle of Hadassah and Arthur Marcus z"l, when they established the Central Fund of Israel, to assure that 100% of contributions donated go to charity.
We currently aid more than 500 charities in the land of Israel.

The Central Fund of Israel (CFI) was established by Hadassah Marcus z”l and Arthur Marcus z”l in 1979 as a grassroots charity with a focus on building up the land of Israel.
By 2023, CFI was donating to over 500 charitable causes around Israel. Its goal today is to continue the incredible vision of its founders, Hadassah and Arthur Marcus z"l, and guarantee charity-giving remains a simple and beautiful act of kindness.
In 1979, Arthur and Hadassah discovered that a significant percentage of the money contributed by donors in the US to Israel was lost in transition, which meant that beneficiaries received far less than they needed.
Deeming this fact unacceptable, they established a charity that ensured that 100% of all donations reached the recipients – "What you give is what they get." The charity focuses on helping the poor and needy in society.
How it grew?
CFI's popularity grew by word of mouth alone. CFI became known as an extremely efficient vehicle to donate to charitable Israeli causes. As time progressed, donors discovered that, unlike most charitable foundations, CFI allowed them to make recommendations for their funds to arrive at specific charities without having to deal with tedious bureaucratic red tape.
CFI won the prestigious Mayor of Jerusalem's Award for Outstanding Volunteer Organizations in 1994 and was praised by both chief rabbis of Israel for its volunteer charity work.